Translation of Acquis

Translation of Acquis

There are over 900 pagesof legal acts that have been translated from Albanian to English. Whereas there are pages translated from English to Albanian. more than 12,000.

In 2019, over 5000 pages have been translated from English into Albanian and over 1000 pages have been translated from Albanian into English.

In the framework of cooperation between Kosovo and Albania, the Manual of Translation of EU Legislation into Albanian language has been finalized.

Konsulto Manualin e Përkthimit të Legjislacionit të BE-së

For the publication of the translated and certified acts by the members of the two institutions for the purpose of translating European legislation into Albanian and vice versa, a webpage has been set up, i.e.

The Albania-Kosovo Technical Commission will also continue co-operation in developing a joint manual between Kosovo and Albania on the review of translation.