Chapter 11: Agriculture and Rural Development

Agriculture and rural development acquis aim at enabling the functioning of the EU Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). It regulates mainly aids granted to farmers and other actors (e.g. processors) in agriculture, production quotas for certain products, import restrictions and tariffs and includes measures for meeting the needs of the agricultural and rural community with less income levels, diversification of their incomes, and requires the setting up of management and quality systems such as a paying agency and; the integrated administration and control system (IACS), and the capacity to implement rural development measures. This chapter covers a large number of binding rules, many of which are directly applicable. The proper application of these rules and their effective enforcement and control by an efficient public administration are essential for the functioning of the common agricultural policy (CAP). Member States must be able to apply the EU legislation on direct farm support schemes and to implement the common market organisations for various agricultural products.
Leading Institution for this chapter
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Negociatori i kapitullit

Chapter Progress
Explanatory Screening Meeting
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Negotiations for this chapter will be opened after following the respective decision of the EU Council of Ministers.
This chapter will be closed upon the issuing of the closing report by the EC and approval by all member states. In any instance, until final closing of all 35 chapters, this chapter will be considered “provisionally closed”.
Negotiations Chapters
Takimi Shpjegues i përfunduar
Takimi Dypalësh i përfunduar
Raporti Screening i finalizuar