About the Structures
Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs
Chief Negotiator
State Committee for European Integration
State Delegation
Negotiating Group
Albanian Mission to the EU
Secretariat for European Integration
Inter-Institutional Working Groups
Technical Committee of the Inter-Institutional Working Groups
Partnership Platform for European Integration
Due to the complexity of the negotiation process, Albania is required to take the conducting of the latter seriously.
Managing this process requires first establishing a legal framework for negotiating structures. These must be set up and supported with sufficient human resources to ensure fulfilment of assigned tasks during negotiations. All this requires not only expertise, but the anticipation of a variety of procedures that enable uninterrupted follow-up of work.
To this end, by Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 749, dated 19.12.2018, "On the establishment, organization and functioning of the state structure responsible for conducting negotiations and the conclusion of the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Albania to the European Union", the legal framework for negotiating structures has been established.
The negotiation structure established according to this decision aims to achieve the following objectives:
- To conduct the screening process of approximation of national legislation with the EU acquis (screening);
- To determine the negotiating positions of the Republic of Albania for each chapter of the European Union acquis;
- To negotiate and conclude the Treaty of Accession of the Republic of Albania to the European Union.
The structure responsible for negotiations according to this decision consists of:
- The State Committee for European Integration;
- The State Delegation;
- The Negotiating Group;
- Albania's Mission to the European Union;
- The Secretariat of European Integration;
- The Inter-Institutional Working Groups;
- The European Integration Partnership Platform.
In the meantime, by virtue of DCM No.94 dated 20.05.2019 “On the establishment, composition and functioning of the inter-institutional working groups for European integration”, 33 inter-institutional working groups have already been set up for 33 negotiating chapters.
A special role in the negotiating structure is also played by the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, as the National Coordinator for European Integration and the Chief Negotiator, who will lead the negotiating team during negotiations at technical level.
At present draft-acts on the establishment and functioning of the Negotiating Group, the Secretariat of European Integration and the European Integration Partnership Platform are drafted and are still undergoing the public consultation process.