Chapter 19: Social Policy and Employment

The acquis in the social field aims at increasing employment, improving working and living conditions, establishing social protection mechanism at appropriate standards, promoting dialogue with social partners, developing human resources in order to ensure sustainable employment, combating poverty and social exclusion and providing equal opportunities for men and women.
Given the above, the acquis includes minimum standards in the areas of labour law, equality, health and safety at work, and anti-discrimination. The European Social Fund is the main financial tool through which the EU supports the implementation of its employment strategy and contributes to social inclusion efforts.
Leading Institution for this chapter
Ministry of Health and Social Protection
Negociatori i kapitullit

Chapter Progress
Explanatory Screening Meeting
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Negotiations for this chapter will be opened after following the respective decision of the EU Council of Ministers.
This chapter will be closed upon the issuing of the closing report by the EC and approval by all member states. In any instance, until final closing of all 35 chapters, this chapter will be considered “provisionally closed”.
Negotiations Chapters
Takimi Shpjegues i përfunduar
Takimi Dypalësh i përfunduar
Raporti Screening i finalizuar