Chapter 12: Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy

This chapter covers detailed rules in the area of food safety, setting rules for consumer protection, hygiene and presentation of foodstuffs, controls and mechanisms for assurance of food safety etc. It also covers hygiene aspects related to processing and placing on the market of foodstuffs, particularly of food of animal origin. In addition, this acquis regulates intra-community (Union) trade of live animals and animal products, animal disease control and other aspects related to animal health and welfare. In the phytosanitary field, the acquis sets comprehensive rules regarding control of harmful organisms on plant and plant products, use of plant passport in trade of plants intended for planting, procedures for authorisation of plant protection products, quarantine measures, residues of pesticides used in plant production, marketing and qualification of seed and seedling.
Leading Institution for this chapter
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Negociatori i kapitullit

Chapter Progress
Explanatory Screening Meeting
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Negotiations for this chapter will be opened after following the respective decision of the EU Council of Ministers.
This chapter will be closed upon the issuing of the closing report by the EC and approval by all member states. In any instance, until final closing of all 35 chapters, this chapter will be considered “provisionally closed”.
Negotiations Chapters
Takimi Shpjegues i përfunduar
Takimi Dypalësh i përfunduar
Raporti Screening i finalizuar